JMARS Announcements

Datesort icon JMARS Announcement Summary
2025/02/18 Join us for Virtual office hours! February, 21st @12pm Arizona time

Come talk to JMARS Developers and ask any questions you may have!

2025/01/31 JMARS release 5.5.1

JMARS release 5.5.1 includes several important user interface updates and bug fixes.

2024/12/04 JMARS release 5.5.0

JMARS release 5.5.0 includes multiple updates to the Profile Layer, offering users greater...

2024/09/23 Check out the new tutorials on the advanced formula field in the stamps layer!

Watch a real example of a complicated formula used in the stamps layer

2024/08/09 JMARS release

JMARS release includes several important bug fixes and user interface updates.

2024/08/04 Check out the new tutorials on the formula field!

Learn how to use the formula field to create new columns in the stamps layer and custom shape...

2024/08/02 JMARS release 5.4.4

JMARS release 5.4.4 includes bug fixes and user interface improvements. This release addresses...

2024/07/15 New USGS DEM maps (10m and 30m) available in JMARS

6 USGS DEM maps (10m and 30m) available in JMARS for the state of Arizona

2024/06/23 New JMARS Preference Tutorial

Want to change basic preference options in JMARS? Use the updated preference window to change...

2024/05/29 JMARS release

JMARS release enhances user experience with a streamlined 'Preferences' menu, improved...