How do I start JMARS using command-line instructions?

Starting JMARS manually

  1. To manually launch JMARS on a Linux machine, change to the directory containing the jmars.jar file (which you have already downloaded) and type:
> jmars 
  • If you would like to open JMARS from a different directory, just replace "jmars.jar" with "path/jmars.jar".

Starting JMARS with additional arguments

The startup behavior of JMARS can be modified by including additional command-line arguments. (Note: Only one of these command-line arguments can be used at a time.)

  1. Specify the Starting Position

By default, JMARS starts with the viewing window centered at 0E, 0N. This starting location can be changed by adding latitude and longitude arguments to the jmars command.

> jmars Longitude Latitude

  • Longitude - the value is assumed to be East longitude unless a "W" is used after the numerical value. (e.g., 120W)
  • Latitude - the value is assumed to be North latitude unless a "S" is used after the numerical value. (e.g., 120S)
  1. Starting with Session Files 

Session files allow users to restart JMARS in a previously saved configuration by specifying a startup file. See the Session Files page for more information.

> jmars path/session_file_name.jmars 

Starting JMARS with flags

The startup behavior of JMARS can also be modified by including any of the following command line flags. Unlike the command-line arguments described above, multiple command-line flags can be used at one time, and they can be used in conjunction with command-line arguments.

  1. Clean: The "clean" flag will clear out the map tile cache before startup.
  2. > jmars clean

  3. Slideshow: The "slideshow" flag will enable the JMARS slideshow mode. See the Slideshow Mode page for more information
  4. > jmars slideshow

  5. Version: The "-version" flag (with lower case v) will list some information about the JMARS version being used. The "-Version" (with upper case V) flag will list much more detailed information about the JMARS version being used.
  6. > jmars -version

    > jmars -Version

  7. Help: The "-help" flag will list the available command-line arguments and flags in the terminal window.
  8. > jmars -help

If you have additional problems with the Linux Installer, please contact the JMARS team.