Scatterplots with stamps

Scatter plots can created using any stamps that are available in JMARS. The x and y-axis can be chosen based off the available metadata that is associated with each stamp.

Create a scatter plot using stamps!

  • The scatter plot can be used on any stamp. In this tutorial, we will be using the HiRISE stamps.

  • Add the HiRISE stamps to the layer manager. First, press the add layer button ("+"). This will open the layer manager.
  • Image: pixel2_selected
  • Search for HiRISE and click, "HiRISE Stamps".

  • Image: pixel2_selected
  • The "Add HiRISE Full Stamp Layer" dialog box will open. Here, you can add stamps by entering the lon/lat bounding box OR add stamps to the mainview by clicking the "Set Lon/Lat to Bounds of View" button.

  • Image: pixel2_selected   Image: pixel2_selected
  • Click, "OK" to add stamps to the mainview.

  • Image: pixel2_selected
  • Double click the HiRISE stamp layer in the layer manager to open the stamp option dialog window.

  • Image: pixel2_selected
  • At the bottom of the window, click, "Open Scatter View".

  • Image: pixel2_selected

  • The scatter plot window will open. For the scatter plot to work, the x and y-axis will need to add. Click x-axis to pick a desired value for the x-axis. Then, do the same for the y-axis. *NOTE*: More than one y-axis value can be added.

  • Image: pixel2_selected
  • For this example, we have added "phase_angle" to the x-axis and "solar_distance" to the y-axis.

  • Image: pixel2_selected